Wednesday, 20 January 2016

What is migraine and how to maintain oneself against it?

The present century has brought with itself, apart from a variety of technological inventions, a series of health issues that gets aggravated with every passing day. Headaches being quite common amongst them are truly of those types that make sure that a person is rendered helpless for almost quite a period of time.

One of those unique types of headache is known as migraine headaches. 

What is migraine?

What is migraine is a persistent question for many, who are identified as suffering from the symptoms of this pain. A migraine headache is a severe headache that has its origin in the autonomic nervous system. It brings with itself a series of symptoms along with the pain that can actually last from a couple of hours to a few days, disrupting the daily activities of the person. Hence one needs to be very careful regarding the occurrence of this pain and its final outcome. Identifying the symptoms would make it easier to survive them.

What are the symptoms?

The very first question that people generally ask after being informed that this headache has its own special symptoms is that what is migraine and what is so special about this headache?

Since it is quite different from general pain, people should be aware of its peculiarities 
  • The pain is unilateral and throbbing in nature. It starts from one side of the head and it is on this side that the person feels the maximum pressure.
  • However after a certain point of time, the pain can spread all over the head and hence, can easily cause an intense headache that could last for hours or days together.
  • The person develops an intense sensitivity towards sound and light, making existence in any type of light very difficult. Dark and closed room is specially preferred in these cases.
  • A vomiting tendency develops along with a feeling of nausea. Apart from it there is a sense of weakness in the whole body and also there is accompaniment of fever, sweating and severe diarrhoea in certain cases.

Thus, generally speaking a person is completely rendered helpless, in case of migraine attacks.

The answer to the query what is migraine can also rendered, when one talks about the types of headaches that one can face in this case.
  • Cluster headache or pain that occurs in cycles is specifically significant part of the migraine attack.
  • In case of ocular migraine one loses vision completely for a certain periods of time.

How to avoid it:

Like many other headaches, the pain and also many of its associated symptoms can definitely be reduced to a great extent. Once you have known what is migraine and how the symptoms may affect you, you can handle the pain and survive the symptoms. A doctor will certainly help you in this regard. One can definitely consider to search for a doctor, who can help in reducing this problem.
  • One should stay away from those food items that may trigger the pain, such as wine, cheese, smoking etc.
  • One should exercise regularly. In this way, a person can have proper body fitness reducing the chances of this pain.
  • Maintaining a proper routine of diet and sleep is very important. This increases the power to sustain the pain.
A doctor will also help you to identify your triggers and reduce the pain.