For tolerating headache of a gruesome effect, every person needs to have a huge capacity and mental strength. Having a general headache is quite a daily affair, and in most cases, people are not quite bothered regarding its medication. However, at times, when this concerned headache is diagnosed as migraine, it becomes quite difficult for people to actually find respite from it. The worst part of this type of headache is that it does not leave even the children from its grip. Even they have to suffer from this excruciating pain.
It has become a common affair in present times to diagnose migraine in children, and it attacks around 5%-10% of children at tender ages as per studies. Hence, it is important that people should be concerned with this type of headache, and thereby make sure that children are taken proper care of, in case they have to face this problem.
Difference of migraine attacks in children and adults:
As per studies made by various medical organisations, generally migraines attack girls at an age around 11, while for boys, it is below 7. In this regard as well, there are some differences in the manner in which they are attacked.
- In case of children, range of attacks is shorter than general attacks. At times, condition may improve between two sessions of attack.
- Children are faced with abdominal pain in case of migraine attacks. This is a special feature of migraine in children.
- It is in nature of migraine pain to be unilateral. In case of children though, this pain can be all throughout the head.
- In case of adults, in most cases they get a warning prior to attacks. For children though, these attacks are short in time, such as it may be of 15-30 minutes. However, they come unannounced, are short timed, and extremely severe.
- Post this attack, children feel extremely nauseous, and may feel giddy at times. Special care needs to be taken of them in this post attack phase.
- A very unique type of migraine in children happens to be car sickness. Migraine pain can occur suddenly while moving in cars, and lead to sudden vomiting and dizziness.
Thus, one should be extremely careful in all regards, when it comes to children, as their attacks are extremely excruciating in nature.
Special symptoms found in children:
In case of children, symptoms differ, and parents should be more careful towards treating this type of migraine.
- The level of urination in children increases to a great level. At times, this excessive sweating and water loss could cause diarrhoea.
- Children tend to become pale over time. They seem to lose energy, and feel dizzy most of times.
- Nasal passage of children gets blocked, leading to various nasal infections.
Caring tips for migraine in children:
- Children should be given a balanced and nutritious diet consisting of nutrition rich food.
- Sleeping patterns of children should be monitored. In this way, they can follow a regular pattern that would reduce attacks of this pain.
- In case of excessive pain, application of hot or cold compress in areas of pain will help soothe it.
- Daily exercising is very important for maintaining proper health.
Thus, for treating migraine in children, it is best to follow guidelines given by doctors, who are skilled in handling paediatric migraine.