Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Fight a migraine, follow these for a migraine cure

A migraine is no doubt one of the terrifying headaches that can cause a lot of trouble in your everyday way of life. If you want to get rid of migraine pain, the best thing to do is know about migraine cure. But before that one needs to be aware of all the factors that can trigger this pain and cause discomfort. A migraine may be avoided if proper precautions are taken.

What is a migraine?

It a recurring pain that causes sensory disturbances and tremendous weakness. During the migraine attack people usually see flashes of light that cause vision error. It is an uncontrollable long lasting pain which needs expert attention to bring aid to the patient.

What is the best migraine cure?

Honestly, there is no such specific cure yet. There are many medicines available which suppress the pain for sometime. But doctors and experts have still not managed to find the ultimate cure, so this calls for migraine sufferers to be extra cautious.

How can a migraine be controlled?

If there is no cure, it doesn’t mean that a migraine cannot be controlled. There are few dos and don’ts that need to be followed if you don’t want this hazardous pain to attack you suddenly.
  1. Balanced diet
This is the most important thing that one needs to maintain. Correct nutrition goes a long way in helping to manage migraine. Have ample amount of green leafy vegetables, lean meat, dairy products, protein so that your body can fight against migraine. There are certain foods, which one should avoid like:
  • Citrus food
  • Chocolate
  • Cheese
  • Caffeine from tea or coffee
  • Preservative added food
  • Junk food
  1. Yoga and exercise
Yoga helps to control many health concerns naturally.  Hence people who suffer from migraine should practice yoga. Also, doing light exercises helps.

 Maintain a routine

One should follow a daily fixed routine that will help their body to get accustomed with the daily doings and won’t create any extra or excess stress. Along with this a straight 7-8 hours of daily sleep is very much required. A healthy life can be the start for a migraine cure.
  1. Hormonal Balance
Often migraine can happen due to an imbalance of hormone especially in women during their menstrual cycle.

Emotional triggers for Migraine
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Trauma