Tuesday 28 March 2017

Know about the 7 surprising migraine triggers!

There are many dos and don’ts when it comes to analysing migraine. The reason for it is that people are often very sceptical about migraine triggers. In spite of so much awareness, there are still few triggers that people don’t know. As a result, this can just call for migraine. If you want to know about them, then read on.

  7 surprising migraine triggers that you need to know –
  1. Extreme exercise –
Intense exercise will dilate the blood vessels in the body. This creates pressure inside the body that again creates an imbalance in serotonin level. As a result, it makes a pathway for migraine pain. If you want to maintain a healthy as well as an active body, get a suggestion from the doctor regarding which exercise to perform. It is always best to start slow.
  1. Sex –
This is surprising but true. On one hand, sex cures depression; on the other hand, it is quite a rigorous form of exercise that can lead to a migraine attack.
  1. Weather and barometric pressure changes –
‘A bright sunny day’, may sound fancy in story books, but it is not that happy for migraine patients. High humidity, fall and increase in pressure and weather changes, hot temperature, etc., can act as migraine triggers.
  1. Contraceptive medicines-
Contraceptive pills create a hormonal imbalance in the body. This is certainly again a trigger for migraine headaches. It is best to avoid taking these pills without consulting a doctor.
  1. Onions –
People with migraine problem are sensitive to smells. Onions have a very strong smell and chopping them or eating too much of onion can easily trigger a migraine pain.
  1. Fizzy drinks
Cola and other fizzy drinks have too much of additives, sugar and preservatives. All these three combined can trigger migraine.
  1. Allergy –
Allergies can be severe in many ways. One more thing that they also do to the body is sending sensory signals of displeasure which can cause migraine. There are 4 different types of allergies that you should avoid –
  • Food allergies – Get a test done and see which foods can cause allergies.
  • Nasal allergies - Rhinitis and sinusitis are two nasal allergies that cause migraine.
  • Dust or pollen allergies – This creates an irritation in the body that can simply result in an allergy.
  • Histamine – This is produced by your own body as a reaction to allergens. But it can also easily trigger a migraine pain.
Some other migraine triggers are –
  1. Change in routine:
Lack of sleep or rest is a part of the change in routine. This can be one major trigger for migraine pain. Moreover, change in routine causes stress and anxiety, which can again trigger a migraine.
  1. Eating too much of junk food
Junk food has either too much of salt or sugar and a high amount of preservatives. Preservatives usually have nitrates and sulphates that act as triggers.
  1. Alcohol
Tyramine is one big no - no if you are a migraine patient. So, avoid alcohol strictly.
  1. Smoking
Smoking tobacco and hookah both can release carbon monoxide in the body. Carbon monoxide triggers migraine.
  1. Skipping meals
An empty stomach can lower glucose level in the body. This is one of the most easily avoidable  of the many migraine triggers.
  1. Hormonal change
This is  applicable to women, especially during the menstrual cycle, when they suffer from hormonal imbalance causing migraine. How to manage a migraine? Migraine triggers can be really painful to bear. So, it is best to consult a doctor and get an idea about what are the things that you should avoid to prevent frequent attacks and live better with migraine. You can also find the best and most experienced doctor in your vicinity by using doctor locator tools.one example of this is  http://www.mewithoutmigraine.com/locate-a-doctor/.    

Saturday 4 March 2017

What are migraine headaches? Things you need to know!

Have you ever experienced a headache or pain so severe that you felt that life was not worth living? If yes, be relieved to know that you are not alone. Migraine headaches, one of the most debilitating headache types, have affected a large population across the globe. There are still many, who do not have a clear idea as to what this headache type is all about.

Despite a widespread occurrence, migraines are often underestimated because of a simple fact that it cannot be described well even by the sufferers themselves. Also, the scientists haven’t found an answer to exactly what causes this headache. Hence, for long, migraines have been considered to be minor headaches. But actually, they are extremely severe and very debilitating in nature.

What are migraine headaches?
Migraine is a type of headache that is throbbing and pulsating in nature. They can affect any one of any age. The children too are affected by migraine headaches, along with the adults. In fact, most of the sufferers have had their first attack of migraine during their childhood. What is even more surprising is that women suffer from migraines more than men. This indicates that migraines might have an association with hormonal changes.

Though migraines usually concentrate in only one side of the head, they can also travel to both sides of your head, making the pain even more difficult to bear with. It cannot be clearly said, who will suffer from migraine and how frequently migraine will attack a person. But what is quite clear is that migraines can last for anywhere between 4 and 72 hours.

Causes of migraine:
Although exact reasons are not known, the scientists have found its association with certain changes in brain chemicals. As per Mayo Clinic, migraine is a result of imbalance in serotonin levels. Serotonin is a prime neurotransmitter that regulates any sort of pain and even control mood. According to many research studies, serotonin levels significantly drop during migraine attack and it also triggers some activities in the major pain pathway of brain, the trigeminal nerves. The low serotonin level causes the trigeminal nerves to release certain brain chemicals, called the neuropeptides and this causes the pain.

Migraine triggers:
There are certain external factors that contribute in inducing migraine headaches. These are called migraine triggers. These triggers may vary from one sufferer to the other. But, there are some triggers that are usually quite common amongst most. These are –
  • Aged cheese
  • Processed and salty foods
  • Alcohol and other caffeinated drinks
  • Hormonal changes in women
  • Changes in sleeping pattern
  • Too much or too less of sleep
  • Certain medicines such as oral contraceptives or vasodilators
  • Bright light, loud sound and strong smell
  • MSG and other food additives.
If you are not sure as to what might have been the triggers for your migraine attack, seeing a doctor and following a migraine diary will definitely help. Professional and experienced doctors always help you to identify your triggers and guide you regarding how to avoid them.

Symptoms of migraine headaches:
Migraine symptoms vary largely from one stage to the other. But, some symptoms are quite common and specific only to this headache type. These are –
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness, moodiness, weakness
  • Constipation and craving for food
  • Throbbing and pulsating pain in one side of head
  • No headache but severe stomach aches in case of children
  • Auras or sensory, motor and verbal disturbances of the nervous system.
Treating Migraine:
Doctors can recommend correct treatment to manage your migraine headaches. The pain can be significantly reduced and managed, and hence you need to find a doctor near you. You can do so by clicking on this link http://www.mewithoutmigraine.com/locate-a-doctor/.

Friday 20 January 2017

A brief discussion of migraine headache symptoms

A throbbing and pulsating pain, mostly concentrated in one side of your head – is this the scenario of your headache type? Well, the chances are that your headache type is not just a simple tension type, but a migraine headache. Do not worry or panic about it as you are not the only one to suffer from a migraine headache. Migraines are quite common, but sadly, very few people seem to know about it. In fact, many sufferers fear to accept the possibility that their headache type can be migraine. But, if you have knowledge about the migraine headache symptoms, you will be able to identify your pain type.

Importance of knowing migraine symptoms:

The problem for most people that prohibits them from recognizing or identifying their type of headache is the lack of knowledge regarding its symptoms. This results in a delayed treatment or misdiagnosis and wrong treatment. In case of migraine, this can be really difficult as the pain is almost always extremely severe and difficult to cope with. Hence, to make sure that you do not delay its treatment and see a doctor at once, you must have an idea of the headache symptoms of migraine.
When you are talking about these symptoms, there is a factor that you should understand. The symptoms of migraine vary to quite an extent, from one stage to the other.

Here is a brief discussion regarding those symptoms in different stages of this headache.

Migraine headache symptoms during prodrome:

The prodrome is the stage that occurs before a migraine attack. It can last for about one or two days before an actual attack. The migraine symptoms at this stage are –

  • Craving for food
  • Constipation
  • Increased thirst
  • Increased urination
  • Mood swings (sometimes you will feel depressed and sometimes euphoric, suddenly)
  • Stiffness in neck
  • Frequent yawning
These are very subtle changes or symptoms, but they indicate that a migraine attack is ensuing.

Migraine symptoms during an attack:

The migraine headache symptoms during an attack are –
  • Throbbing or pulsating pain in one side of head
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light, sound and strong smell
  • Feeling lightheaded
  • Blurred vision.
This stage can last for about 4 hours to as long as 72 hours. How long it will continue, cannot be predetermined. Even the frequency of a migraine attack varies from person to person. One can have migraine attacks a number of times in a month and others can get it once or twice a year.

Auras as migraine headache symptoms:

One of the most significant aspects of migraine headache symptoms is aura. Auras are nervous system disorders that can disturb sensory, motor and verbal sensations. These are extremely debilitating and disabling. These auras are not compulsory signs of migraine, but many sufferers experience them. The common auras are –

  • Temporary vision loss
  • Temporary paralysis
  • Temporary speech loss
  • Prickling or piercing sensation in arms and legs
  • Convulsions
  • Hearing noises
  • Weakness
  • Seeing flashes of light, bright spot or various shapes in front of eyes.
Usually the auras last for about 20 to 60 minutes.

Migraine headache symptoms during postdrome:

The symptoms of migraine at the last stage or postdrome, which is the stage after an attack, range within –
  • Moodiness
  • Confusion
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Extreme sensitivity to light or sound.
If you too experience any of these migraine headache symptoms, there are chances that your headache type is migraine. In that case, it is a very good idea that you see a doctor at once. The doctor will be able to diagnose your condition properly and prescribe the right medicines. There are medicines that can help you cope with the pain and seek the best treatment procedure. Just find the best doctor near you.

Friday 30 December 2016

Possible migraine causes and what triggers this pain!

Do you sometimes experience extreme headache with additional signs and symptoms such as vomiting and nausea? Does light or sound make it even more difficult to cope with the pain? Chances are that your headache is not just a usual tension type headache, but migraine. Many people do not understand what migraine is and what migraine causes are. If you know the various causes, it will be helpful to keep them off.

About the migraine causes:

When you are talking about the causes of migraine, it must be mentioned that the exact reasons of this type of headache are not clearly known. However, a relationship of this pain with the brain chemicals and nerves has been identified.

When the brain stem interacts with the trigeminal nerve, which is a major pathway of pain in the brain, it leads to the occurrence of this pain. To be more elaborate, this interaction leads to the release of certain brain chemicals that are known as neuropeptides. These chemicals cause the pain in your brain. With the increase of these neuropeptides, the level of serotonin drops significantly. Serotonin, on the other hand, regulates the pain in your brain. However, as serotonin levels drop, the severe pain is felt, usually on one side of your head. Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is a neurotransmitter that is one of the major causes of migraine.

Triggers of migraine:

Though the exact migraine causes are not clearly known, there are certain external factors that trigger this pain. These external factors or triggers can vary from person to person; but there are certain factors that seem to be common in most cases. These are –

  • Foods, drinks and food additives:
Processed and packaged foods and meats, aged cheese, salty foods and food additives like MSG, sweetener aspartame and other tastemakers can trigger migraine headache.
Even alcohol and caffeinated drinks are found to trigger migraine headaches.

  • Hormonal changes:
One of the strongest triggers of migraine is hormonal change. When women undergo menopause or are pregnant, they experience more migraine attacks than usual. In fact, before and during menstrual cycles, women suffer from more migraine attacks. That is why; it is often found in statistical data that women suffer from migraines more than men.

  • Environmental condition:
Barometric pressure, change in weather, etc. can trigger migraine.

  • Sensory stimuli:
Migraine causes are often associated with sensory stimuli, such as strong smells like paint thinner, perfume and passive smoke, etc. or even bright light and loud sound.

  • Stress and sleep pattern:
If you are too stressed or tired and if you haven’t slept enough, it might trigger this pain. In fact, too much of sleep or change in your sleeping patterns can lead to migraine attacks.

  • Medicines:
Certain medicines, especially vasodilators and oral contraceptives can lead to migraine attack.

Now that you have known about the mechanism of migraine, as well as migraine causes, you need to make sure that these are eliminated from your life as much as possible. It is always a good idea that you visit a doctor to identify your headache type and its causes.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Fight a migraine, follow these for a migraine cure

A migraine is no doubt one of the terrifying headaches that can cause a lot of trouble in your everyday way of life. If you want to get rid of migraine pain, the best thing to do is know about migraine cure. But before that one needs to be aware of all the factors that can trigger this pain and cause discomfort. A migraine may be avoided if proper precautions are taken.

What is a migraine?

It a recurring pain that causes sensory disturbances and tremendous weakness. During the migraine attack people usually see flashes of light that cause vision error. It is an uncontrollable long lasting pain which needs expert attention to bring aid to the patient.

What is the best migraine cure?

Honestly, there is no such specific cure yet. There are many medicines available which suppress the pain for sometime. But doctors and experts have still not managed to find the ultimate cure, so this calls for migraine sufferers to be extra cautious.

How can a migraine be controlled?

If there is no cure, it doesn’t mean that a migraine cannot be controlled. There are few dos and don’ts that need to be followed if you don’t want this hazardous pain to attack you suddenly.
  1. Balanced diet
This is the most important thing that one needs to maintain. Correct nutrition goes a long way in helping to manage migraine. Have ample amount of green leafy vegetables, lean meat, dairy products, protein so that your body can fight against migraine. There are certain foods, which one should avoid like:
  • Citrus food
  • Chocolate
  • Cheese
  • Caffeine from tea or coffee
  • Preservative added food
  • Junk food
  1. Yoga and exercise
Yoga helps to control many health concerns naturally.  Hence people who suffer from migraine should practice yoga. Also, doing light exercises helps.

 Maintain a routine

One should follow a daily fixed routine that will help their body to get accustomed with the daily doings and won’t create any extra or excess stress. Along with this a straight 7-8 hours of daily sleep is very much required. A healthy life can be the start for a migraine cure.
  1. Hormonal Balance
Often migraine can happen due to an imbalance of hormone especially in women during their menstrual cycle.

Emotional triggers for Migraine
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Trauma

Thursday 27 October 2016

Migraine Causes And Symptoms That Will Help You To Identify Your Pain!

Headaches are quite common in every single person, regardless of age, given the current lifestyle. Due to excessive stress all around, regarding work and other commitments, it is indeed quite difficult to cope with this pressure and headache is but an obvious consequence.

However, some types of headaches are not a result of an external factor but area serious disorder. One such type is migraine. Many people fail to recognise that their headache is a migraine headache.
Hence, you must understand the symptoms and migraine causes.

What is a migraine?

Amongst different kinds of headaches, migraine is one of the most debilitating one. It is a pulsating and throbbing sensation that is extremely distressing. At times it is so painful that even normal daily activities are disrupted. 

Though it was long thought that headaches can occur only in adults, it is now proven that even children can have migraines. In fact, reports have proven that many of the migraine sufferers have had their first migraine attack before they are 12 years old.

Signs and symptoms:

Along with migraine causes, the symptoms are also very important and must be known to you so that you can distinguish migraine from other headaches. The common signs are –

  • Severe pain in one side of the head
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Stiffness in neck
  • Mood swings
  • Constipation
  • Craving for food
  • Frequent yawning
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Increased thirst
Causes of migraine:

Now that you have known about the signs and symptoms of this headache, you need to know about migraine causes, so that you can eliminate your chances of suffering. But, the fact is that there is no solid evidence as to what exactly causes migraine pain. Researchers have identified that the pain is associated with an abnormality in the levels of certain brain chemicals.

To be specific, it is associated especially with the brain chemicals such as serotonin. Serotonin and certain other brain chemicals manage and regulate the pain that is caused by the nervous system. When the serotonin levels drop significantly it causes migraine.

During migraine attacks, certain substances called neuropeptides are released into the brain by trigeminal nerves. These substances travel throughout the meninges or outer covering of brain, generating this pain.

Triggers of migraine:

Migraines are often associated with some external factors known as triggers. These can accentuate the attack. These triggers may vary from person to person. But the most common triggers that can be deemed as migraine causesare –

  • Hormonal changes in women:
Hormonal changes have a strong impact on the migraine pain. Since women undergo hormonal changes during menstrual cycle, pregnancy as well as post-menopause, women are more likely to suffer from migraine than men.

  • Certain foods:
Eating foods that have preservatives and are salty and processed can often trigger this headache. Monosodium Glutamate or MSG, sausages, aged cheese, etc. are foods that are often linked with this pain.

  • Strong smell:
From perfume and deodorant to incense sticks, any strong odour, can trigger migraine.

  • Changes in the pattern of sleep:
Whether you sleep too much or too less, or if you sleep at a different cycle than usual, your migraine pain might be triggered.

  • Exposure to strong light and loud sound:
If you are in an atmosphere, where there is too much of light and sound, it can trigger the pain. Even the changes in atmospheric pressure can trigger this pain.

  • Certain medicines:
There are certain medicines like oral contraceptives and others that are associated with inciting migraine pain.

If you think that you have migraine, it is the best idea to see a doctor and confirming the condition, so that the treatment is proper. 

This is the easiest way to identify your triggers or the migraine causes that might have been the causative factors for your pain.

Sunday 25 September 2016

Is it just a simple headache or a migraine? Know the migraine causes to stay alert!

Are you suffering from severe headaches? Using balms or drinking a cup of tea isn’t coming of any help? Is the pain so severe that you fail to do your daily activities? Well, there are chances that you are having a migraine attack!

Relax, there is nothing to panic. Migraine headaches have become increasingly common and it is not just you, who is suffering from this extreme pain. There are many like you; even children! Your pain can be managed. But before that is done, you need to see a doctor. It is only a doctor, who will be able to diagnose your condition and identify if your headache type is migraine or not. In case it is, you need to identify the migrainecauses, so that you can eliminate them completely and get relief.

The mechanism of migraine pain:

Migraine headache has no particular cause behind it. Science cannot tell what exactly causes this extreme, severe, throbbing and pulsating sensation in the brain. But, genes and environmental factors are largely responsible for this and there is no denying this fact.

However, one thing that can clearly be said is that migraine is associated with the brain-stream and how it interacts with the trigeminal nerves. The trigeminal nerves are a major pathway for the brain to manage the pain in the brain. There are chemicals in the brain that keep the pain sensation low. One such chemical is serotonin.

Research studies have shown certain specific migraine causes, when serotonin levels drop significantly. The pain causing chemicals such as neuropeptides are released in the brain and as they travel through the meninges, the pain is felt.

Some of the major causes:

Some of the major and possible migraine causes can be –
  • Irregularity of the blood vessels in the brain
  • Disorder of the central nervous system
  • Abnormality and imbalance of brain chemicals
  • Genetic predisposition
Major triggers of migraine:
Now that the possible migraine causes are identified, it is also important for you to know about the migraine triggers. There are certain factors that trigger the pain in the head. These can vary from person to person, but here are a few factors that are universal and common for most people. These include –

  1. Foods and drinks:
Aged cheese, salty or processed foods, preservatives etc. foods and even MSG can trigger the pain in the head. Not just the foods, but also alcohol can trigger this pain.

  1. Hormonal changes in women:
This is a reason, why more women suffer from migraine than women. Women, during their pregnancy, menopause and even before or during their menstruation get these attacks more frequently.

  1. Sensory stimuli:
One of the very common signs of migraine is that the pain increases with light, sound and smell sensation. When you encounter strong light or smell or hear loud noises and sounds, it is likely that the pain will increase.

There are many other factors like sleep pattern changes, changes in atmospheric pressure etc. that vary from person to person. What migraine causes and triggers have been instrumental for you can be noted down in a migraine diary. You can download the diary from here http://www.mewithoutmigraine.com/migraine-diary/. See a doctor and he will guide you properly.