Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Know about the 7 surprising migraine triggers!

There are many dos and don’ts when it comes to analysing migraine. The reason for it is that people are often very sceptical about migraine triggers. In spite of so much awareness, there are still few triggers that people don’t know. As a result, this can just call for migraine. If you want to know about them, then read on.

  7 surprising migraine triggers that you need to know –
  1. Extreme exercise –
Intense exercise will dilate the blood vessels in the body. This creates pressure inside the body that again creates an imbalance in serotonin level. As a result, it makes a pathway for migraine pain. If you want to maintain a healthy as well as an active body, get a suggestion from the doctor regarding which exercise to perform. It is always best to start slow.
  1. Sex –
This is surprising but true. On one hand, sex cures depression; on the other hand, it is quite a rigorous form of exercise that can lead to a migraine attack.
  1. Weather and barometric pressure changes –
‘A bright sunny day’, may sound fancy in story books, but it is not that happy for migraine patients. High humidity, fall and increase in pressure and weather changes, hot temperature, etc., can act as migraine triggers.
  1. Contraceptive medicines-
Contraceptive pills create a hormonal imbalance in the body. This is certainly again a trigger for migraine headaches. It is best to avoid taking these pills without consulting a doctor.
  1. Onions –
People with migraine problem are sensitive to smells. Onions have a very strong smell and chopping them or eating too much of onion can easily trigger a migraine pain.
  1. Fizzy drinks
Cola and other fizzy drinks have too much of additives, sugar and preservatives. All these three combined can trigger migraine.
  1. Allergy –
Allergies can be severe in many ways. One more thing that they also do to the body is sending sensory signals of displeasure which can cause migraine. There are 4 different types of allergies that you should avoid –
  • Food allergies – Get a test done and see which foods can cause allergies.
  • Nasal allergies - Rhinitis and sinusitis are two nasal allergies that cause migraine.
  • Dust or pollen allergies – This creates an irritation in the body that can simply result in an allergy.
  • Histamine – This is produced by your own body as a reaction to allergens. But it can also easily trigger a migraine pain.
Some other migraine triggers are –
  1. Change in routine:
Lack of sleep or rest is a part of the change in routine. This can be one major trigger for migraine pain. Moreover, change in routine causes stress and anxiety, which can again trigger a migraine.
  1. Eating too much of junk food
Junk food has either too much of salt or sugar and a high amount of preservatives. Preservatives usually have nitrates and sulphates that act as triggers.
  1. Alcohol
Tyramine is one big no - no if you are a migraine patient. So, avoid alcohol strictly.
  1. Smoking
Smoking tobacco and hookah both can release carbon monoxide in the body. Carbon monoxide triggers migraine.
  1. Skipping meals
An empty stomach can lower glucose level in the body. This is one of the most easily avoidable  of the many migraine triggers.
  1. Hormonal change
This is  applicable to women, especially during the menstrual cycle, when they suffer from hormonal imbalance causing migraine. How to manage a migraine? Migraine triggers can be really painful to bear. So, it is best to consult a doctor and get an idea about what are the things that you should avoid to prevent frequent attacks and live better with migraine. You can also find the best and most experienced doctor in your vicinity by using doctor locator tools.one example of this is  http://www.mewithoutmigraine.com/locate-a-doctor/.    

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